[See rule 22(l)]
1. Name of the establishment…………………………………………….
2. Address………………………………………………………………..
3. Name of the employer………………………………………………….
4. Name and address of the sales promotion employee*
5. Shri./Smt.………is appointed as………in this establishment with effect form…………………….
6. His/Her appointment is on probation for………/temporary basis/permanent basis…………..(insert here the period)
7. His/Her scale of wages/rate of increment in wages per……shall be…………………………..(insert here the period)
(insert here the amount)
8. He/She will draw a total wages of…………………. Per………………………(insert here the amount)……...(insert here the period)
composed of the following, namely:-
(i) Basic Pay……………… Dearness Allowance………………………(insert here the amount)………………… (insert here the amount)
(ii) Other allowances…………………………………………………………….
……………………………(insert here the particulars)
9. Other conditions of service…………………………………………………………..
Date…………………………………………………. Signature of the employer.
*. Any Change of address of the employee shall be communicated to the employer.